Service Providers for Migration
Migration agents registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) are experts, who advise and assist on visa requirements, submitting visa applications and maintain correspondence with the Department of Home Affairs on your behalf.
Migration agents Australia act as intermediaries in providing information as well as preparing and submitting visa applications, legally representing clients prior to visa processing, and advice potential migrants and represent migrants before review agencies.
Migration agents have helped thousands of migrants enter Australia and lead a wonderful life. Because of the complexity of one case to another, migration agents refer to the provisions of successive migration laws to adapt to diverse conditions.

Importance of Migration Agent /Migration Lawyer
Migration agents and lawyers can provide you a wealth of advice and information on all the legal strategies concerned in moving abroad.As Australia’s migration policies and laws are changing continually, it is important to get the latest updates from an expert who perceives all the benefits, limitations and conditions.
If you want to sponsor someone to visit or stay in Australia, Migration agents can help you sponsor someone to visit and stay in Australia as well as to stay or travel alone.In addition, they can help you in situations where you are unsure of your options, moving abroad for the first time and having difficulty applying on your own or in a complicated situation where children are involved.
Furthermore, migrating agents assist when you are sceptical of your options, like moving abroad for the first time, you do not feel comfortable filing your own application or you feel that you have a complex case, such as where children are involved.
Advantages of Migration Agent
Migration agents advocate on your applicability for a special visa and ensure that your relevant documents are correct. Also suggest which visa suits your circumstances and help you prepare your visa application.If required,they contact the government on your behalf while monitoring the progress of your application.
Migration Agents are experts in handling complexities and knowing limitations of the Migration Law can help you tremendously with the process.
Qualifications of a Migration Agent
- Must possess a valid Australian Legal Practice Certificate
- Must have Australian Graduate Certificate in Migration Law and Practice
- Migration agents are well informed and able to interpret the provisions of migration law to your advantage

Why submitting the documentation accurately is important?
Requesting the services of a Migration Agent assures all your documentation is complete, legitimate and is in accordance with the Migration Law. Applications rejected can only seek possibilities for a future application outside Australia.
Depending on the reasons for declination, such as lodging inaccurate documentation, applicants could be denied for future submissions for at least up to one year.
Finally, a migration Agent Increases the possibility of having your visa approved. In case your visa application gets denied and you prefer to appeal the decision, the Migration Review Tribunal or MRT has extremely strict guidelines on conditions and limitations. A Migration Agent will strive to assure your documents have been thoroughly assessed and analysed before submission. A Migration Agent cannot pledge the success of your application but will definitely increase the possibilities of your visa being approved.